Wednesday, August 8, 2012

SPC880 webcam

It has been cloudy for the last 36 hours, so no photos. I have finally managed to sort out my new webcam and managed to see a tree in our garden fluttering in the wind. The file is too large to upload. Hopefully, in the next few days I'll have some clear sky and spare time to try it out properly.


  1. Here's hoping for clear skies-hoping to catch the Perseids!

    I was Cyclops on the Sky At Night forum but it seems its been hacked so Im now elsewhere.
    Good luck with the webcam!

    1. Hi Larry,

      I'm back on S@N as Astrochav. I've rigged the SPC to work with a telescope and used a tree to try it out. I'm hoping to try webcamming the Perseids but concerned I'm going to get loads of big files. I could also try my digicam in movie mode but I wouldn't be able to stack the images to show the trails together, as there's a codec issue. Even just watching them should be fun even if nothing works.

      I tried a few days ago but didn't see any.


