Wednesday, August 15, 2012

#Meteorwatch August 15th 2012

The sky finally cleared at about 2110 GMT. I set up my laptop to use WXastrocapture to take 1 second exposures using the built-in webcam of my laptop. As luck would have it, the capture program failed! I returned indoors and set up my digital camera, after a reboot failed to cure the problem.

From 2120 GMT I continued to monitor the east and north east of the sky, while taking multiple shots of the constellations in the area, just hoping that one shot might capture a Perseid. I saw 3 faint ones in the hour but near the end of the session I saw a magnitude 0 one start from the Square of Pegasus and finish at the radiant, A “reverse Perseid” and I wondered how unlikely that was!

The featured shot is of Pegasus. For Cassiopeia, Perseus and Andromeda, please check out my Photobucket album.

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