Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Moon January 15th

I was hoping to start on the Moon earlier but, unfortunately, had to take my daughter to Casualty. At least she wasn’t as bad as feared and the Moon was still there at 2000 GMT, although getting lower. I did some full disc shots and some close-ups with the webcam, without the 2X Barlow lens. The full disc image was the best 5 of 10 frames.

The first photo from the webcam runs is a mosaic of 3 stacked imaging runs from Registax  5 combined into a single image using Microsoft ICE, with further processing done using Paintshop Pro and GIMP.

The second image consists of the result of a single imaging run.

The third image was composed from 2 separate imaging runs.

The fourth picture was taken from a single imaging run.

The next picture was also taken on a single imaging run.

The mid-region near the terminator showed a lot of detail from a single run.

Another single run produced some detail.

The final photo was a composite of 3 imaging runs.

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