November 11th 1725 GMT Venus, Moon and Saturn
I did a quick photo shoot with my phone camera at default
I used 8x zoom to capture Venus between two houses.
At 2.8x The Moon and Saturn both appeared in my photos.
November 11th 1650 GMT Moon and Venus
I finally saw the Moon in clear sky and photographed it with
my Mak and DSLR at 1.54m focal length, ISO 100 and 1/500 second exposure.
Venus was low in the west and too low to use my telescope
on. I switched to my DSLR at 300mm focal length, ISO 100 and 1/200 second
exposure. As suspected, it suggested a 100% phase.
I finally tried to capture the Moon with Saturn but moonlight and twilight conspired to make this difficult. I finally nailed the shot with my DSLR at 100mm focal length, ISO 1600 and 1/25 second exposure.
November 11th 1205 GMT Sun
November 10th 1415 GMT Sun
November 9th 2325 GMT Jupiter and Aldebaran
The first tiny bit of clear sky in the month showed just
Jupiter and Aldebaran. I photographed them with my phone camera at default
settings before they vanished! It needed quite a lot of processing in GIMP to extract Aldebaran from the cloud.