Saturday, May 6, 2023

2023 Writing Blog

Astronomer Reinvented November 21st 

The usual obstacles of weather and general busyness conspired to restrict not only the writing but also the photographs I needed to have anything to write about.

I added some images of new objects during October but never got around to blogging about them!

Gamma Arietis is a double star that I managed to mis-identify before getting the real one.

I also photographed a star cluster NGC 752, which I confused with the Pinwheel Galaxy.

I added a few more deep sky objects and some lunar close-ups taken by webcam in September.

Astronomer, Reinvented September 16th

Maybe the lack of posts about my work-in-progress (WIP to writers) suggests that I had made little progress in over two months. That would be somewhat correct! Most of the writers on social media are novellists. All you need to write a novel is time, energy and imagination, not that those qualities are easy to come by. For non-fiction, the challenges are different, especially when the journey of the subject is uncharted territory. I recall, over a decade ago, I decided to observe a group of objects known as the Messier Catalogue. It consists of 110 objects, varying from the well-known and easy to the downright difficult. Many of the objects can only be seen for a few weeks every year. One spell of bad weather and, well, its was another year to wait. It took four years to finish my observations and, hence, the book:

Astronomer, Reinvented follows a similar path. I am trying out new astrophotography techniques. Like my previous book, I need enough clear sky and when I'm not working or sleeping. The year 2023 was notoriously bad for weather, meaning that I had little opportunity to take the photographs I wanted or I was restricted to photographing brighter objects, such as the Sun and Moon.

Just because my progress was slow did not mean that it was zero. I had applied some of the new techniques I had used on the Sun and Moon on the planet Venus, that had emerged into the morning sky in September.

I had also revisited some constellations, trying some different camera settings.

Novellists, short story writers and non-fiction writers alike have several things in common: we don't concentrate on our WIP, we day-dream about other projects! Sometimes we end up working multiple projects but I gave that up when old age set in. I still have a day job and, maybe one day, I might make a significant astronomical purchase from the proceeds!

Astronomer, Reinvented July 2nd

As previously discussed, time to work on the book and time to do the experiments that formed the content of the book, were both at a premium. That is the reality of life for most writers, as most of us have day jobs, etc. Yet, the book had reached 37 pages. That is not a milestone but, to me, it was a sign that I had made progress. Slow progress, yes, but progress nevertheless. At this stage, I only knew part of the content I was going to write, due to the nature of the book. I knew, at some stage, there would be a time that I would have enough pages to fill as book but, how many? I think a minimum of 300 and maximum of about 400. Don't mention word count to me! Much of the book, so far and intended for the future, would consist of images. Here's some images that I have created so far.

Astronomer, Reinvented June 14th


I had another bout of wanting to be a novelist. It’s like the old cliché of the comic who wanted to become a serious dramatic actor. Do why can’t an astronomy writer be a novelist? The main reason they might not be able to is that they wrote a novel and it didn’t sell. Despite a two to three year lull, my astronomy writings have sold, not enough to make a full-time living from them by a long shot but they have sold enough over the years to make me think I had an audience. Yet, that same audience did not embrace my novel. Maybe a novel with an astronomical content could work.


I am well aware of the dangers of having multiple projects on the go, especially since I returned to full-time work.


Nobody likes to identify as a “successful” writer. It was refreshing to read that even John Steinbeck suffered from what we now call imposter syndrome. Yet, I have twice written books that have spent time in the Number One spot of their genre. Better to be a successful astronomy writer than am unsuccessful novelist, or a successful comic than a poor Shakespearian actor.


So, “Astronomer, Reinvented” hit a milestone. No, I did not complete the first draft!. I have set no time limit for its completion. What I did was complete the first section that describes how I managed to make a huge leap forward in photographing the Sun. The next stage will be to describe my giant leap with full disc lunar photography.


Due to the nature of the book, the final contents will not be known until I continue to complete my experiments until I have enough content for a book.

June 13th The Grapes of Wrath

I had heard of the John Steinbeck novel for many years but had neither read it, nor seen the film. We studied “The Pearl” at school and I had recently read “Of Mice and Men”.


What struck me was that the edition of the book I had borrowed had an enormous volume of front material. As a reader, I would have skipped over it and gone straight to Page 1 but, as a writer, it intrigued me, even though I only got halfway through it. Many writers I know talk about the pressures of being a writer in the modern world., yet Steinbeck and, perhaps others, had written diaries about their writing! The only difference is that he did not put them on blogs. His diaries were published after his death, maybe future reading. In the preface to this book, it is noted that he suffered the same sort of doubts that writers express on social media platforms all the time. Initially, Steinbeck had day jobs but for less than a decade. There are very few writers that I am in contact with that don’t have a day job. From what I had read, Steinbeck was both skilled (despite his self-doubts!) and lucky enough to make a full-time living from writing, although there was no suggestion that he led a “celebrity” lifestyle. He spent most of his time isolated in a small room and sometimes travelled to research his books. It seemed that this isolation was one of the main causes of the breakdown of his first marriage, ironically one in  which his wife, Carol, was a major contributor.


In addition to day jobs, most writers have romantic partners, usually non-writers. This can cause a lot of friction. More on this later but I was trying to finish a section of my latest work-in-progress before bedtime when my wife instigated a conversation about a domestic purchase and told me off for being stuck to my computer. Whilst most writers would feel that she should not have done this, I did not communicate that I was writing. She has not explicitly stated this but her attitude seems to be that I achieved my goal of being a published writer years ago and that I should just tick the box. Yet, I have to admit she is right, in a way. The amount of income by writing contributes to the household income is insignificant and only pays for one weeks’ worth of grocery out of 52. I would make more per hour if I had an evening cleaning job. Probably most people reading this would envy me for having any writing income at all. The main point is that unless one’s writing income is hitting double figure percentages of the household income then it is only a hobby. The fact that I have difficulty completing  any sort of task if interrupted is my problem and not the rest of the world’s. It seems that Steinbeck had similar problems, even though his writing was his only source of income.


The final point about Steinbeck is that although he never completed a degree, he studied creative writing at university. People in the writing world know that I have enjoyed some success as an astronomy writer but my only novel flopped. Is it possible, or even likely, for someone to write a novel without some sort of formal training? For a while after reading, I daydreamt about a second novel that was going to establish myself as one of the great writers of my time, like Steinbeck, Shakespeare et al. Then I realised that the reality was that I was going to write an astronomy book that would end up being self-published and scrape into the top 100 000 sellers on Amazon!

Astronomer, Reinvented May 9th

This will be, whenever and if it ever gets finished, an account of how I started to make a significant leap forward in astronomy, hopefully without spending a lot of money.

I wrote the introduction, then promptly deleted most of it! The angle was that sounded  that I was being driven purely by my perceived popularity as an astronomer and writer. Of course, that is part of it but, I wanted to produce better images and better viewing experiences, even if I never sold another book.

Hiatus May 8th and from here?

I never intended to stop writing forever. I noticed an approximate doubling of engaging on my online content, averaged over most channels. During my break, I had started posting on Mastodon, Pinterest, Tiktok and Reddit. My Astronomy Shorts were getting noticed on TikTok, with a few likes on YouTube.

I had some increase in sales during April and early May 2023 but this could have been just a normal variation, as I have had some fluctuations up and down in my sales figures. I hadn't gone viral but who knows? Maybe? One day?

In the meantime, I had a maelstrom of possible writing ideas. It was impractical to do them all, especially as my writing time had been somewhat limited. Yet, as long as I did not have the ambitious writing schedules that a traditionally published book would entail, I had a great idea for a project, or did I?

Hiatus May 8th Website: Key Additions

Long before my hiatus, in fact years ago, I had a lot on my website about equipment reviews and astronomical objects. By checking the statistics, people were only visiting my home and index pages. As I started hosting much of my content externally, people started to visit it but, before the hiatus, interest dropped off.

I don't think I have over-saturated my website with my books but have included more about them and put links to the book information in strategic places:

I don't consider myself an interesting person, Indeed, the image of authors being hunched over typewriters (well, laptops these days), fuelled by coffee, is not entirely inaccurate. However, that is only part of a writer's life, as most of us have partners, children and jobs. Yet, people are naturally curious about the person behind the book or magazine article and this is my attempt to shed light on my life behind the computer screen:

I have added an astronomical calendar, showing not just astronomical events but world, major national and religious dates:

The final major addition is of the monthly summaries since January 2023:

Hiatus May 8th Website

Unless writers have become legends, they need to promote their writing. The how, where and why of this, depends very much on what you are writing about. In my particular case, I am an astronomy writer. In order for people to be interested in me as a writer, they must also know me as an astronomer. Love it or loathe it, astronomers need to engage with the general public and other astronomers though images. My website has always had a lot of images but, during my hiatus, I improved the number and quality of images on my website. I also started to refresh my background images more frequently, to stop my website from going stale.

Starting with my home page: Philip Pugh's Website (

I have drop-down menus to access my most frequently-visited content (such as my blog and photo gallery) and another for external content (such as the BBC site and NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day).

I have 3 background "decoration" photos: non-astronomical, solar system and deep sky.

Finally, under the Announcements heading, is a list of recent additions to my content.

A full menu of content is available on my Master Index:

Hiatus May 7th 

I had not been totally idle during my hiatus! I decided that I would continue to record astronomical objects that changed a lot (like the Sun) or were transient events, such as meteors. I would abandon frequent, low quality images and replace them with less frequent, higher quality images, aiming to get the best I could from my equipment. I also vowed to experiment a lot.

Not only was this to stimulate interest in my online content but I had even felt that I was stagnating. Yes, I proved I could photograph the Moon with a DSLR camera without a telescope but did people REALLY want to see hundreds of such images. No, people want to see lunar craters in detail. They want to see clear, sharp images of sunspots, not blurry, indistinct ones.

I had also decided to improve the volume and quality of my online content. To date, I am getting more hits, likes and positive comments.

Details to come in future posts...!!

Hiatus May 6th (Coronation Day)

I'm expecting a lot of opposition, lots of agreement but probably more writers will sit back and think. There has been a lot of debate in the past that writers should write every day. There is nothing inherently wrong in writing every day. If it works for you, do it and I have no desire to stop you!

But I see it as too difficult for most of us. Even the lucky ones of us to be published and receiving an income from writing, have day jobs. As writers, we are also people and people have families, often including caring responsibilities, we have friends, we have household chores. Small wonder that many writers give up. The image of the writer as a solitary figure, usually female, middle-aged and unmarried, is a very worn cliche. I also see it as a terrible offence to women, especially women writers! Many are young, have full-time jobs and children.

No, males and females of all ages and marital status who write must accept that it is something that has to be balanced with the other components of our lives. It is that difficulty that prompted my hiatus. Although it officially started on December 31st, it had started a few weeks before hand. Between 2018 and 2022, I wrote annual summaries. Having completed the 2022 one up to September, it would have seemed a shame to abandon a project so close to completion.

From late summer 2022, I was facing increasing difficulties in work-life balance and simply lacked energy. Now, of course, I could have cut down on other activities to accomodate my writing but therein lies the other part of the problem! Like it or not, the world of the modern writer is dictated by clicks, likes and best sellers' charts. Whilst we know that popularity is neither the sole nor the most accurate criterion for judging the quality of our writing, it is the most readily-available barometer of our success.

The sad truth is that my sales figures had plummeted and people were not engaging with my online content. Had I suddenly become a bad writer overnight? If I was a bad writer, then I was already. My sales figures were affected by the general economic climate but also, my relative rank had also fallen.

So it was that I decided to take a break from writing, so I could not only get my breath back, literally, but so I could re-invent myself as an astronomer and writer. At least in the eyes of the public, I had gone stale and I had to do whatever it was, much as I had few ideas.

Monday, May 1, 2023

May 2023

May 30th 1125 GMT Sun


The Sun was high in the sky, almost as high as it gets. I saw three sunspots, unfortunately, close to the western limb and due to rotate to the other side of the Sun. I was hoping for the clearer skies and solar activity to continue for a while.

May 29th 1245 GMT Sun


There was a lot of moving cloud around, mostly thin but cloud nevertheless. It was time for an alternative method, so back to the binocular scan.

May 28th 1055 GMT Sun


I had a bad back and hips, so shot the Sun with my DSLR at 300mm focal length, ISO 100 and 1/2000 second exposure.

May 27th 2130 GMT Moon


I did another lunar shoot, similar to the evening before, with full disc shots using my Mak and DSLR and close-ups using my Wifi electronic eyepiece.

  • I had some trouble with files showing as corrupt but I managed to process all of them, although I had to "normalise" them in PiPP first. Those that did process produced mostly good results.

May 29th 1245 GMT Sun


There was a lot of moving cloud around, mostly thin but cloud nevertheless. It was time for an alternative method, so back to the binocular scan.

May 27th 0830 GMT Sun


It was clear, so there was only one thing to do. I like to follow solar activity, so shot the Sun with my Mak and DSLR at my usual settings. It was great to be out in just shorts and T-shirt.

May 26th 2040 GMT Moon


I attempted some full disc shots with my Mak and DSLR at 1.54 metres focal length, ISO 100 and 1/320 second exposure. Due to camera damage, I was have extreme difficulty achieving focus.


It was then time for my Wifi electronic eyepiece to see first light. It was a lot easier to use without needing to run cables to my laptop and initial indications were positive.

The early images were slightly out of focus. Also Autostakkert required me to convert the video file in PiPP, then it gave a blurry image. Registax 5 was better.

One image seemed to work.

May 26th 1200 GMT Sun


I bin scanned the Sun in  a clear sky. The main difference between this drawing and the previous one is the earth’s rotation, which produces a 90 degree difference in orientation between the Sun when due east and due south. The sunspots also rotated, due to the slower solar rotation of about a month.

May 25th 0515 GMT Sun


Disaster struck and maybe a lesson for us all! I intended to do a solar shoot and the only place I could get the Sun from was on concrete. My telescope mount crashed, breaking my finderscope and causing some damage to my camera. It was possible that I could repurpose parts of the finderscope. I swapped it for my other one, a 6x30 straight through one but could not find the Sun. My telescope may have suffered some superficial damage but I was able to see some distant trees, using an eyepiece.


Despite my disappointment, I did not want to waste a clear Sun, so I did a binocular scan and saw two new sunspots.

May 24th 2030 GMT Moon and Venus


It was dusk and the sky was still far too light to see stars. Good thing the Moon and Venus were about, high in the west. I took out my Mak and DSLR and set them at 1.54 metres focal length, ISO 100 and 1/200 second exposure. I snapped each in turn. The Venus shot did not focus.



I snapped them both with just my DSLR at various focal lengths at ISO 400 and 1/50 second exposure.

May 24th 1130 GMT Sun


A binocular scan of the Sun showed that the large sunspot had rotated quite considerably and no longer showed double. The presence of smaller sunspots made the view rather interesting.

May 23rd 2005 GMT Moon and Venus


I snapped the Moon, together with Venus from an upstairs window with my phone. Venus was only just visible, as it was soon after sunset.

Unfortunately, Venus did not appear on the photo.

May 22nd 2130 GMT Moon and Venus


This was a quick shot of the two together with my phone after the clouds cleared.

May 21st 0720 GMT Sun


It was sunny and clear again. The sunspots had rotated since the day before and the group of small sunspots had shown even more members as they rotated from the far side. Great place, the Sun but a bit hot for humans.

May 20th 2220 GMT Meteor Hunt


I set my DSLR at 35mm focal length, ISO 6400 and 15 seconds exposure.  I set my camera to take repeated shots automatically and hoped!

The first few frames stacked well to show the northern crown, Corona Borealis.

At 2143 GMT, I caught a faint meteor, probably from the Eta Lyrid shower, as it seemed to come from the right direction.

At 2151 GMT, two faint ones appeared in the same photo in part of the constellation of Hercules.

At 2300 GMT, I caught a bright meteor.

At 2304 GMT, just four minutes later, I caught another faint meteor.

May 20th 2045 GMT Venus


It had been a sunny day and the clear conditions persisted into dusk. Venus was still quite high in the west. It was nice again to do a session with summer observing gear of shorts and T-shirt.


I took one set of shots at 1.54m focal length, ISO 100 and 1/100 second exposure. Focus was way off, though.


I took another set at 4.62m focal length, ISO 100 and 1/10 second exposure. Focus was a bit off but I sorted it out.

May 20th 0750 GMT Sun


I woke up to bright sunshine. In decades gone by I would have thought about catching trout but, for most of the last two decades, my thoughts turned to the Sun. I went out with my Mak and DSLR and used my settings of 1.54m focal length, ISO 100 and  1/500 second exposure.


The view through my camera was amazing. There was a large dual sunspot I had followed in my binoculars two days previously. There were a large number of smaller sunspots, split into two groups.


I had a bit more time, so I took my Coronado PST out for the first time in ages. The dual sunspot was immediately noticeable. After a bit of tuning, I detected a bright flare where one of the sunspot groups was. Alas, my attempts at afocal photography with my DSLR and phone camera did not inspire confidence.

The bright flare showed well in a close-up.

May 19th 2050 GMT Venus


Five minutes earlier, Venus and most of the western sky was covered in cloud. As another bank of cloud was moving in, I snapped the planet at 300mm focal length, ISO100 and 1/200 second exposure.

May 19th 1130 GMT Sun


The viewing conditions were the same as the day before – hazy, with some thin cloud. The Sun appeared to be becoming more active but the reality was not so dramatic. We can only see one half of the Sun at one time, officially. In reality, we cannot see the areas on the solar limb very well. If you don’t believe this, try rotating a circular ball and, if permissible (!), draw on it and rotate it. You will see how objects appear to change shape. What had happened on the Sun on the day in question was that the Sun had rotated and new sunspots had come from the far side of the solar sphere. It made for a rather interesting viewing!

May 18th 1140 GMT Sun


There was a lot of haze and thin cloud about but I was able to see some sunspots for the first time for a few days. There was one especially large one that had just emerged onto the solar disc. I had been following a group of small sunspots online for a few days and could see two of them.

May 17th 2015 GMT Venus

It was a dusky dusk, with plenty of thin cloud and haze. The Sun had set and the Moon was in the morning sky. Fortunately, Venus was visible. Its phases are well known to be visible to telescopes but those of us who own large binoculars can also see the phase, although not as accurately as through a telescope. There is also a very special feeling about being able to browse the sky with binoculars, wearing a T-shirt and shorts.

I could see Venus, quite soon after sunset and it showed a mis-shapen disc, like a gibbous moon showing about a 70% phase in my binoculars. This appeared larger than the 60% phase I caught with my telescope and DSLR camera on 7th.

May 14th 0010 GMT Binocular Session


Conditions were not good, with a lot of haze, especially near the horizon. I had a look round while checking my camera. Venus and Mars had long departed the scene and Leo was starting to tip towards the western horizon. Above its hind quarters was the large open star cluster Melotte 111. I could see its main stars, as it filled my binocular field of view. I could also see another type of object, the globular star cluster M13 in Hercules. I could see a central condensation, while the outer layers were fainter. I did not see any induvial stars, a tough pot, even for my large binoculars.


I tried to find the nearby globular clusters M3 and M92 but the haze was too thick. I did a quick tour of the double stars Albireo, Delta Lyrae, Epsilon Lyrae, Nu Draconi, 16/17 Draconi and Mizar/Alcor.


It was not a great session but I had few recent opportunities to see much beyond the boundaries of our solar system.

May 13th 2155 GMT Meteor Hunt


I retained the same setup and aimed at Lyra, in the hope of getting some meteors. If I didn’t, maybe I might have got some constellation shots.

I stacked the first 40 frames to get an image of Lyra.

I did not catch any meteors and the first 40 frames were the best and most interesting, the remainder being in between constellations or too hazy.

I retained the same setup and aimed at Lyra, in the hope of getting some meteors. If I didn’t, maybe I might have got some constellation shots.
I stacked the first 40 frames to get an image of Lyra.

May 13th 2240 GMT Venus and Mars

I had taken a photo of Venus with Mars and Pollux, the brightest star in Gemini, 3 days before using my phone camera. This time, I used my chosen method, my DSLR camera. I used 35mm focal length, ISO 800 and 15 seconds exposure. I stacked 6 of 7 images to get this image.

May 13th 1755 GMT Sun

We were out for the afternoon and early evening. The Sun was low in the sky, so I could not use my telescope. I was able to check it with my binoculars and filters and saw two sunspots, one large.

May 10th 2110 GMT Venus

It was an afterthought, as I had already gone upstairs to bed, having an early start the next day. Venus shone brightly, as dusk was giving way to darkness. I only had my phone with me, so I snapped Venus at 10x magnification. The result, as was frequently revealed on the Jeremy Kyle Show lie detector test was inconclusive. The image showed a suggestion of a gibbous phase but was it just a "round" Venus gone wrong? It looked less convincing than my telescope and DSLR shot 3 days before.

I zoomed back out to full width. Venus was no longer showing a disc but the bright star Pollux (in Gemini) showed. Below and to the left was the planet Mars. Mars was near its faintest, as it was on the far side of the Sun and almost at its furthest from Earth,

May 10th 0540 GMT Sun


The feeling of the Sun’s rays in the morning can be as invigorating as half a cup of coffee, well maybe a quarter. This is especially true if one happens to be a keen amateur astronomer with a special interest in the Sun. I saw several sunspots, with one rather large one through my binoculars and filters.

May 7th 2005 GMT Venus


It was barely dusk and Venus was high in the west. I snapped it with my Mak and DSLR at 1.54m focal length, ISO100 and 1/100 second exposure.

May 7th 1125 GMT Sun

I was due to miss the best of the solar viewing, so I had to do what I could under the worse viewing conditions at lunchtime. I bin scanned the Sun through moving cloud. I saw a single large sunspot.

May 7th 0025 GMT Moon


It was a case of catching the Moon between cloud. I took some full disc shots at 1.54m focal length, ISO 100 and 1/500 second exposure. It was low down and lots of thin cloud, so no opportunity to do much else.

May 5th 1935 GMT

There were some breaks in the clouds but not enough to get the telescope out. I snapped it with my DSLR at 300mm focal length ISO 100 and 1/200 second exposure, hoping to catch the phase. Fortunately, I did and it was very clearly gibbous.

 May 3rd 1220 GMT Sun


I did a solar binocular scan from work and saw new activity had rotated onto the solar disc. It was nice to see some sun after a cloudy day the day before.

May 1st 1200 GMT Sun

The night of 30th April/1st May was cloudy and offered neither viewing nor photographic opportunities. The bank holiday of May 1st did little to inspire me either but a couple of temporary gaps in the cloud allowed me to view some sunspots with my binoculars. At least, it was a start to the month.